May 28th is Menstrual Hygiene Day all over the world. If you cringe at the word “hygiene” you are in good company, but you should consider that the celebration was born to draw attention to the difficult, sometimes appalling, hygiene conditions in developing countries – bad for everybody, and particularly so for women. Call it Menstrual Health Day if you like, or Menstravaganza Day!
This year the Menstrual Health Hub celebrated 28 May by sharing victories that have defined the global #MenstrualMovement & showcasing the Berlin-based innovation ecosystem of enterprises & organizations working in the world of menstrual health. Medulla was part of the gang, together with femtech companies Clue, .Inne, Super Izzy, Luna. – Selfcare, product manufacturers Female Company and Femna, and art collective Craft and Cramps.
Check out the videos!
(I win the prize for the best preview-frame)